I was born in Morecambe, Lancashire, but I came to Wales 25 years ago. My wife (who was born and bred in Aberdare) makes sure that my loyalties are Welsh! I am also a very proud father and grandfather.
I spent the early part of my career in book publishing, which involved six years working in Nigeria, followed by much foreign travel in Africa, the Middle East and the Far East. In Wales, I managed a book wholesaler in Monmouth; a company set up pre-devolution to administer all European funds coming into Wales; and the Wales Management Council, promoting good leadership and management.
Since retirement, I have been a deputy chair of Age Cymru, chair of Merthyr and the Valleys Mind (as it was then), and I have now just been appointed chair of Age Connects Morgannwg.
I wanted to be more involved in a charity whose work and value I recognised more and more as I grew older myself. Building on previous experience, I volunteered as a trustee of Age Connects Morgannwg. I have a business background and I hoped that this would be a useful contribution to the thinking, planning and analysis that is essential for the ongoing success of any charity. To succeed today, charities must be business-like in achieving their charitable aims and objectives. My aim is to help Age Connects Morgannwg be both a leading charity and a successful business for the benefit of older people.